Fasciabioenergy is a manual technique, which appeared around forty years ago in France. This gentle but deep manipulation method aims to detect, then eliminate, the stress, pain, shock or physical and psychological micro-traumas of everyday life.
This technique comes from the word "fascia" which designates the connective tissue which covers all the muscles and organs, from head to toe, from the depth to the periphery. These fasciae are partly elastic, and can absorb physical or psychological stress causing certain areas to tighten.
The f asciabioenergy is a treatment technique similar to fasciatherapy. The difference lies in the fact that the practitioner acts on the tissues of the body (the fasciae) and takes into account the energetics of the body (the energy centers and the meridians), hence the term Fasciabioenergy. Since the body is made up of matter and energy, it is therefore insufficient to deal with only the physical aspect to resolve a tissue imbalance. The f asciabioenergy is therefore a treatment method that releases, through a fine and subtle touch on the tissues of the body, the traumatic memories of the body and the mind. The body prints, in the form of physical and mental knots, everything that the human being experiences that is traumatic. Tissue knots create blockages that lead to suffering, pain, disease, psychosomatic problems ...........
The practitioner releases the tissue nodes, therefore blockages and relieves the body for a rediscovered WELL-BEING.
Recommended in a large number of pathologies
In any case, it is not for us Fasciabioenergetic to treat a disease, our care does not replace the treatments prescribed by the doctor who, alone, is authorized to make a diagnosis and advise a treatment.